WARNING! Always check conditions before visiting Crater Lake National Park in the Winter. For current conditions and active alerts at the park visit the Park website. Winter at Crater Lake...
There are many ways that nature benefits us. These benefits go to the basis for the existence of EXPLORE! as explained on our Welcome page. We have written about some of these benefits in blog...
Enjoying the Pacific Crest Trail in the winter is not necessarily a 2,659 mile adventure. There are a lot of shorter trips you can take. Here’s one. . .
Van Meter Flat is an area of BLM managed land west of Poe Valley, Oregon and east of Stukel Mountain. It offers a nice walk and outstanding views.
The Mountain Lakes Wilderness was designated a Primitive Area by the U.S. Forest Service in 1930. It is just northwest of Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the Winema National Forest. In 1940 the area...
Yamsay Mountain is located in what is sometimes called the Eastern Cascade Mountain Range. Technically it’s the first range in the basin and range province in Oregon and California. The...
Oregon’s Rogue River begins its 215 mile journey near the crest of the Oregon Cascade Mountains. It passes the towns of Prospect, Eagle Point, Grants Pass and Agness before entering...
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