June is Great Outdoors Month in the USA. What started as Great Outdoors Week under President Clinton in 1998 has grown significantly under the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations into a month and summer-long celebration of the outdoors and all the benefits it brings. The month is punctuated with a variety of special days and weeks including:
National Trails Day (June 3, 2017): The nation’s largest celebration of trails with events involving hiking, biking, horseback rides, paddling trips, birdwatching, geocaching, gear demonstrations, stewardship projects and more. A comprehensive map on the website shows the location of hundreds of events across the country.
National Fishing and Boating Week (June 3 – 11, 2017): This week is the nation’s celebration of the importance of recreational boating and fishing in enhancing people’s quality of life and preserving our country’s natural beauty. Most states offer free fishing days during National Fishing and Boating Week. this is a perfect opportunity for beginners to try out fishing for the first time.
National Get Outdoors Day (June 10, 2016): Agencies and groups will offer opportunities for American families to experience traditional and non-traditional types of outdoor activities.Prime goals of the day are reaching first-time visitors to public lands and reconnecting our youth to the great outdoors.
National Marina Days: Summer of Giving. (From Memorial Day to Labor Day): Marinas across the United States will be opening their doors to the public to show off the boating lifestyle and encourage non-boaters to get out on the water.
Great Outdoors Day of Service (June 16, 2016): Youth from Corps across the country, as well as many friends and partners of the Corps movement, come to Washington, DC to participate in service projects at iconic parks throughout the Nation’s Capital.
Great American Campout (All Summer): Everyone should get outside at least once this summer and connect with nature and wildlife. The body, mind, and spirit benefits from outdoor play are well-documented and numerous and create a lasting connection to nature and wildlife that will help you have a happier, healthier family.
Get Into Your Sanctuary Days (June 24 – 25): The vast majority of all national marine sanctuary waters are open to recreational fishing, diving, surfing, swimming, kayaking and much more! Enjoy special events at your sanctuary on these days.
Whatever your interest there is a great opportunity to get outdoors in June. Follow the links above and find an event or activity wherever you are. Nothing interesting? Choose one at random and you will surely be surprised at the great time you will have!
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