There has been a lot of research on the importance of getting outdoors in a natural setting. That research and the general feelings people have had on the subject for centuries has led to the creation of lots of parks and other opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. We summed up those findings in our review of Health Parks Healthy People: the State of the Evidence 2015. Unfortunately that research hasn’t determined how much nature or how often one should get out in it for the best outcomes. If we knew more about that, cities, for example, could design parks to better supply what their residents need. Further, Doctors that are now prescribing nature to their patients would be better able to prescribe an appropriate dose.
“There is growing recognition of the crucial role of urban green spaces in addressing this public health challenge, with over 40 years of research showing that experiences of nature are linked to a remarkable breadth of positive health outcomes. This includes improved physical health (e.g. reduced blood pressure and allergies, lower mortality from cardio-vascular disease, improved self-perceived general health), improved mental wellbeing (e.g. reduced stress and improved restoration), greater social wellbeing, and promotion of positive health behaviors (e.g. physical activity). – Health Benefits from Nature Experiences Depend on Dose
The Healthy Parks Healthy People publication came out of Australia and the Australians have now published a study that answers some of the questions about the proper dose of nature. This new study quantifies the relationship between health results and the dose of nature in terms of intensity, frequency and duration. To do that they asked 1538 residents of Brisbane, Australia about their health and where and how much exercise they got over the course of a week. With this data they were able to identify the intensity of nature in terms of the vegetative complexity in the places the people exercised. Since they learned directly from the people about health issues and the frequency and duration of their experiences, they were able to link all of this data together and draw some interesting conclusions:
That last point is really key. The cost of depression and high blood pressure is very high and includes doctor visits, hospitalizations, drugs and much more. By making high quality nature experience available and getting people to use them regularly for as little as 30 minutes, society as a whole would see a significant financial benefit as well as individual health benefits.
The report is available for free from’s Scientific Reports: Shanahan, Danielle F.;Bush, Robert; Gaston, Kevin J.; Lin, Brenda B.; Dean, Julie; Barber, Elizabeth; Fuller, Richard A. Health Benefits from Nature Experiences Depend on Dose. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 28551
We already knew that nature is good for us. Now we know that we need to partake of it 30 minutes or more at a time to start seeing some significant benefits.
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